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Gifts assist us in maintaining quality services while putting our mission into action. Financial contributions help underwrite budgeted operating expenses for every facet of our operations. Your gifts are fully tax-deductible as allowed by law.

You could double or even triple the impact of your gift if you are employed by or are retired from a company that matches gifts to qualifying non-profit organizations. Your human resources office can provide more information, along with the application form you need to request the matching gift. It’s the easiest gift you will ever make!

There are various ways of giving to our organizations. Most gifts are in the form of cash, clearly the most convenient way of giving. Such gifts are fully tax-deductible and are vital to the support of our operating, programming and capital needs. You may also wish to consider one of the following mutually beneficial ways of supporting our important mission:

Securities — If you own securities that have appreciated in value, you are subject to taxation rules when they are sold. By making a gift of these appreciated securities, you avoid capital gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction. Thus, the actual cost to you is often far less than the value of your gift.

Real Estate — You may also make a gift of your residence or other real estate. As with gifts of appreciated securities, you avoid capital gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction.

Life Insurance — If you own a fully-paid life insurance policy that has outlived its original purpose, you may wish to donate it. You will receive a charitable deduction based on the present value of the policy (an amount close to the cash value). You may also name United North to be the beneficiary of any life insurance policy that you own. Although you will not receive a charitable deduction, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that future ability to provide services will benefit from your gift.

Bequests — A bequest is a gift that involves no immediate loss of capital or income. Both large and small bequests enable us to provide quality services to those in need, leading the way to a brighter tomorrow for those that we serve. Your estate will receive a charitable deduction, and the tax savings can reduce the ultimate cost to your heirs.

Trusts — Many people believe that trusts are for the wealthy. While trusts can be very beneficial to the wealthy, often those with limited assets establish trusts to preserve their capital and increase the earnings derived from it. You may establish a trust that will permit you to make a gift (and receive a charitable deduction), while increasing your income. We would be happy to discuss with you the various types of trusts.

Rest assured that no matter which method you select, you will have the personal satisfaction of knowing that you are strengthening and benefiting individuals, families, and the community for the future.



Neighborhood Clean Up: Work with our Housing staff and other volunteers in this family friendly project to pull weeds, pick up trash, paint over graffiti, rake leaves, plant flowers,etc.

Paint/Improve a Residential Property: Work with our Housing staff in this family friendly project to paint the exterior of a house You will be helping make a place warm, safe and inviting to a needy family.

Ohio Theatre & Event Center: Volunteer as ushers, technicians, ticket takers, special event staff, clean up help and more.

Lagrange Street Polish Festival: on July 10-12, 2015 400 volunteers are needed. Get a group together, enjoy the people watching and do good for your community.

Marketing/ Office: Maybe your company wants something less structured and the employee wants more flexibility. Your help can be one timewith a special project or an on-going basis. You tell us!

For further information regarding any of the above giving opportunities, please contact United North via e-mail at: or by telephone at ,Ext. 301. All inquiries are held in strictest confidence.

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